11. Comparing Strings

Comparing Strings

Comparing strings

Another way to work with strings is by comparing them. You've seen the comparison operators == and != when you compared numbers for equality. You can also use them with strings! For example, let’s compare the string "Yes" to "yes".

"Yes" == "yes"

Returns: false

When you run this in the console, it returns false. Why is that? "Yes" and "yes" are the same string, right? Well not quite.


When you compare strings, case matters. While both string use the same letters (and those letters appear in the same order), the first letter in the first string is a capital Y while the first letter in the second string is a lowercase y.

'Y' != 'y'

Returns: true

Which Comparisons Are True?

Enter each expression into the console. Check the ones that evaluate to true.

  • "green" == "green"
  • "green" > "blue"
  • "green" > "Green"